Board Meeting - September 12, 2019

The Plum Point Villages POA Board of Directors met at 6:00 on 09/12/19 at M.R. Davis Southaven Public Library, 8554 Northwest Dr, Southaven, MS 38671. In attendance were board members Denise Tucker, Bradley Valentine, Jack Bailey, Ben Moore, and Stacy Ables.

The principal topic of discussion was preparation for the Special Meeting planned for 10/03/19. This meeting will be to present how outstanding POA assessments will be considered.

Several proposals were discussed. The agreed to proposal will be presented at the Special Meeting on 10/03/19.

Items to be considered for the budget are:
 o Finish the fence
 o Entrance contract
 o Mailings
 o Replace the signage

Ben Moore will put up the signs on 09/27/19 for the Special Meeting on 10/03/19.

Denise is negotiating with a fence contractor to begin work in November to complete the fence replacement. We will send a letter to property owners along the fence that we're doing repairs. It will ask the property owners to remove anything that is connected to it, e.g. tomato wires, plants, etc. If there are items that need to be removed the POA will remove them and assess the property owner.

Jack Bailey proposed that the POA Board support a celebration of Veterans Day (11/11/19). Residents who are veterans can text their name, address and branch of service to Jack (901-292-4824) and he will purchase flags for them. Other residents are encouraged to display American flags.

Upcoming events:

09/15/19 - Mailing of notification of Special Meeting ("Goodwill Letter")
10/03/19 - Special Meeting - Past due assessments, Nominating Committee
10/0?/19 - Mailing of past due statements
12/01/19 - Mailing of 2020 assessment notices and notification of General Meeting
01/??/20 - General Meeting

Submitted by:

Plum Point Villages Property Owners Association