The Plum Point Villages POA Board of Directors convened via FaceTime on 11/16/20. Participating were board members Denise Tucker, Bradley Valentine, Jack Bailey, Ben Moore, and William Jerome and Treasurer Brittany Rines.
A discussion was held on the fence at 5605 Plum Tree Dr. The Board confirmed their approval.
Denise reported that the replacement of the remainder of the subdivision fence would begin Monday 11/23/20. Brittany Rines was authorized to pay the invoice.
Denise reported that Cornerstone Church would not let the POA hold the Annual Meeting there in January 2021. Denise will approach Southaven Community Church. Bradley will approach Life Church. Ben will approach the City. It is expected that the group will be less than 50 people.
At the Annual Meeting, a written secret ballot for election of board members is required. If it becomes necessary to hold it virtually, the ballots will have to be mailed and returned.
The City has begun to pave Pear Dr and Pear Cv.
Upcoming dates are:
12/01/20 - Assessment notice needs to be sent 30 days before it is due. In the past we have Included a past due statement but this is not required.
01/03/21 - Meeting notice needs to be sent 15 days before Annual Meeting
01/18/21 - Annual Meeting at 7 PM
Ben submitted his resignation from the Board effective 12/31/20. There is a year left on his term. Denise moved to appoint Brittany Rines to the open position and Bradley seconded. A voice vote approved her nomination. Ben will remain as Secretary through 2021.
Submitted by:

Plum Point Villages Property Owners Association