The Plum Point Villages POA Board of Directors convened via FaceTime on 06/15/20. Participating were board members Denise Tucker, Bradley Valentine, Jack Bailey, Ben Moore, and William Jerome. Also in attendance was Don Stiles, Treasurer.
Denise reported that she had a bid from Tim Sammons for entrance maintenance. There would be a $400 one time fee to clean out all the flower beds and new mulch. Then $70 every 2 weeks to maintain. This would be from March to September. This includes the hedges at the north entrance. The Board approved this.
We will reconsider the neighborhood yard sale in the fall.
Don proposed that we arrange with James McIngvale, CPA to file our 2019 tax return. His estimate is around $500. The Board approved this. The By Laws require an annual audit by a CPA. Don will approach McIngvale about this.
Ben reported that he had investigated bonding the signers on the checking account. He has a quote from SouthGroup for a $12,000 bond for 3 people. The Board approved this.
Don reported that our current cash balance is $15,324 and we've had no expenses since March.
Denise raised whether we were ready to replace the last 400 foot section of the fence. The last section cost $17 per foot but several Board members noted that wood prices had increased significantly. With a 20% increase the last section would be around $8,000. It was mentioned that the previous sections had a 1 year warranty. William will inspect those sections before the warranty lapses. The Board approved proceeding with replacing the final section.
We discussed sponsoring a neighborhood celebration of 4th of July decorations. Jack and William will decorate the north entrance. Denise will solicit volunteers to decorate the other entrances. The Board will encourage the residents to decorate their yards. Denise will get an outside judge and we will award $50 for 1st place and $25 each for 2nd and 3rd place. The Board approved this.
Plum Point Villages Property Owners Association