The Board selected Stacy Ables for the position of Treasurer. The Board agreed that the authorized signers on the checking account would be Stacy Ables, Denise Tucker, and Ben Moore. These replace Jack Flanagan and Larry Fortner. Checks will need to be signed by any 2 of the authorized signers.
Denise has begun to organize a Beautification Committee. They are looking beautification and maintenance of the entrances.
There is a section of the fence on Elmore that is overgrown. It was decided to defer action on this until the fence is replaced in that area. Bradley will look into the cost to replace the rest of the fence.
There was discussion of the content of the covenants regarding nuisance, e.g. dogs barking, inoperative vehicles, and lawn maintenance. Ben will research this. Carmen suggested including a "good will" letter with the next billing.
The Board agreed to begin collecting interest on past due assessments.
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Plum Point Villages Property Owners Association